tiistai 12. heinäkuuta 2016

Shifting - to become a lemon

Photo: Tibu Borgstén

Life ain´t easy 
but it can be very beautiful -
if you are able to see it.
Despite of all the facts;
the red lights, anger, suffering and interference,
You can still be a genuine
alike a yellow lemon in the desert.

We all come on a specific time
to a specific point off life
where we surrender - or start listening
 to the words of wisdom 
that in fact is laying everywhere.

Shifting - is like starting to name
everything that goes on  - with new awareness.
Defining - and founding the difference
between the life out of you - of the life of your soul.
That´s simple and easy - but
it can take years to make the difference
to surrender
to make the soul shift
and to make life beautiful
for you and the others around you.

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