lauantai 8. huhtikuuta 2017


Photo: Tibu Borgstén

When there is almost 
a War going on 
- everywhere -
in the corners of the Streets
Of Life - then

I go!
I have to go
to kindle a candle
for us. 

When the sky
and all the Angels
has been torn
and it rains once again
day after days..

I go!
Because -
I have to go
to find the pieces
of the Peace of the World.

But when I come back
without having anything
left to share or say 
to anyone - then

I come to You
with a candle in my hand
to stay.
Then it´s only You I want
- because - 
with You I´m always warm.
So please hold me (!)
even that I sometimes
go away. 

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